Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi i want to live in Brazil

Hi i want to live in Brazil?
i really like the culture...and because we live in the same tropical climate. how can u explain what is Brasil like? ha ha,here`s me learning portuguese language
Other - Brazil - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hi there, I'm brazilian. It is a tropical country, beautiful beaches but it is a violent country and not a very safe economy. A lot of unemployment and people living in poverty, burocracy in the system, and corruption into the government that makes Brazil very difficult country to live, specially for the citizen, but I do have to tell you, your portuguese is very good and maybe if you come to visit and meet the people here, you will like, because people are very friendly. Good luck in you decesion!
2 :
Nice country, happy people, maybe the nicest people you will ever meet, but very dangerous. You need be very "street smart " People have metal bars around they windows and doors, tall gates, wall around their houses and electric fences be somewhat safe.
3 :
If you didn't use mustache I would say that you had been born in the Amazonian, the native of the Amazonian don't have beard nor mustache, your way to speak it seems of native Amazon. Be well coming and that here you find happiness and it also bring it for here.
4 :
I disagree - I don't think the beaches are that nice - Southern FL beaches are nicer..... Too much crime and the land & water & air have lots of pollution.
5 :
As you could yet see here above, Brazil is not a country for foreigners. There are some, several here that sound like being so strange to other folks. I can´t just agree with some opinions above, but don´t disagree so strongly. A friendly people living side by side with violence, well. You pronounce Portuguese fine for a beginner, but we can easily notice you still have much influence of some Spanish. Anyway most Brazilians could understand you, even not so literate among them could. I just wonder how you´d say all that without being on a repeating from an audio or a teacher. Don´t wonder Brazilians speak so slowly, even in Amazon, where people LIVE more slowly. So you´ll face difficulty to understand, more than be understandable, while in a conversation or out in the streets. Your physical type doesn´t resemble SO MUCH an Amazonian, moreover we should take into consideration that Amazon is TOO large, so the person who said that about you certainly was just based on a few types from a few places. According to many other images that I´ve yet had, you look far more similar to an Asia-Eastern, such as a Malay, or a Filipino, a Laosian perhaps. This is NO problem anyhow, as in Brazil there live other foreign folks in the middle of white/brown/black/indigenous groups, just depending on the region. I dare to assure that Brazil is NOT ONLY all that from big cities, with much violence some times in some areas, with dirty beaches and polluted air. I could assure there still exist MANY clean and wonderful beaches, both for rich and poor people, and there´s not ALL THAT pollution in every part, just depending on the economical development, political affairs etc. The main problems in that country are not these, but SOCIAL troubles, such as so many poor and VERY POOR ones and just so few VERY rich others, so that in some poor areas the country named Brazil could perhaps resemble even Afghanistan, while in a few areas you could even think you were in a really developed country, not for a long way though; in some cases houses resembling palaces can be seen close, really close to clay slums. That´s dangerous. Informal way in Brazil is what makes life easy and nice, in a style that looks so different of other countries, mainly of rich ones. I wouldn´t recommend anybody to go to live in Brazil before they go there and see how things go, for 3, 4 times.

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