Monday, September 21, 2009

I am 17 years old and live in Brazil and wanted to move to Los Angeles and wanted some of you guys answer my q

I am 17 years old and live in Brazil and wanted to move to Los Angeles and wanted some of you guys answer my q?
Can I get a driver's license? (In Brazil can only from 18 years) what is the best place to live? Can I work?
Immigration - 9 Answers
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1 :
After you become a citizen you can have a valid driver's license. Or you can be granted a permit to drive to work or school on a student work visa.
2 :
16 is the age to drive in the usa, LA's job market is terrible. Actually all of California is a bad job market and expensive to live. Most residents are having a hard time finding jobs. Texas is far more affordable. Like you can get apartments as low as 350 a month for a one bedroom with 720 square feet in Houston. California will eat you alive D;
3 :
Pick a visa There are basically NINE ways that you can get a visa to live and work in the US: (1) Marriage (or engagement in anticipation of marriage) to a US citizen. (2) You have skills that are in short supply in the US e.g. scientific or medical training. A degree is normally a must. Or you have superior specialist skills with at least 12 years experience. (H visas) (3) You have an Employer who is willing to transfer you - but even the employer has to make a good case for you - so you have to be a manager unless you fall under category (2) above.(L visas) (4) You may get a Green card in the diversity lottery (UK citizens, except N.Ireland, are not generally eligible unless you, your spouse or parents were born abroad or held a different citizenship. (5)You own or buy business (does not get you permanent resident status i.e. no green card)You must be a national of a qualifying Treaty countries. The business must have a minimum value of around $150k (more the better) bearing in mind you will need somewhere to live and with any startup business you will need at least 2 years living money as back up. So a figure of $350k would be a nearer minimum (E-2 visas) (6)You are an "investor" i.e. you have at least US $1m in assets to bring with you. half of that in a few areas. And your background will be investigated to the hilt. (EB-5 visas) (7)You have a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister and no further) who is an US citizen who would sponsor you, approx time this take 2-12 years? (8.The R1 visa is available to foreign members of religious denominations, having bona fide non-profit religious organizations in the U.S., for entering the U.S. to carry on the activities of a minister or religious worker as a profession, occupation or vocation (9)THE UNUSUAL You are in a position to claim refugee status/political asylum. or You get a member of Congress to sponsor a private bill with legislation that applies just to you. The S visa issued to persons who assist US law enforcement to investigate and prosecute crimes and terrorist activities such as money laundering and organized crime Recruitment agent will not take you seriously if you are not already in the US. Writing for jobs is really a waste of time; likewise US employers have no idea what foreign qualification are or mean (except Degrees) it may pay you to get your qualification translated into a US equivalent, there are Companies that do this ( .. But if you are getting a visa under (2) above then you need a job offer before you can get the visa. Your Employer will be your sponsor this will cost them upward of $5k. So you can see you have to be offering something really special to get considered They may also have to prove to the Dept of labor that there is no American who can do the job if the position is to be permanent ©
4 :
Go bey the U S embassy in your country and look at the line everyone of them wants what you want does that answer your question?
5 :
welcome to america
6 :
Unless you have an immediate family member who is a US citizen to petition for you or you are a highly skilled professional with years of experience in a field needed in the US,you chances of moving here are next to zero. If you have enough money to pay the very expensive international student tuition,you can come on a student visa,but this only allows you to come for school,not to remain permanently. If you are a legal resident,you can get a drivers license. Los Angeles is very expensive to live. You cannot work unless you have an employer to sponsor you with a work visa.
7 :
At 17 there is no option to move to the US unless you have parents who are citizens.
8 :
you can get your driver license once you become a citizen here in los angeles is not the best place to live. it's overcrowded, messed up and jobless. you can get a job if you don't mind working for much of nothing
9 :
You have to get your permit and license in California. How stupid Brazil is for only letting 18+ get their license. The best place in Los Angeles to live is far from Downtown L.A... possibly Simi Valley, Thousands Oaks, Calabasas, Tarzana etc. You can work at only some places since you're not 18.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

I live in brazil and want to make an american credit card is that possible

I live in brazil and want to make an american credit card is that possible?
I dont have social security.
Credit - 1 Answers
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1 :
you CANT make a credit card you have to have clout to get credit

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Monday, September 7, 2009

If you live in Brazil and want to help an AFS exchange student

If you live in Brazil and want to help an AFS exchange student?
I am an exchange student with AFS from California into Brazil. I love your country but I was put into the state of Mato Grosso de Sul, which is land locked, and I live in a very small city. I want to move to a big city on the coast, such as Sao Paulo, Forteleza, Salvador etc. and I can only do so If I have a family there that wants to take me in. I understand how strange this is but I am desperate to get to the ocean. I am just asking. If you think you would be intrested in hosting an exchange student for a while I will supply you with the information needed and be forever thankful that you gave me this oppurtunity to live near the coast. Obrigado.
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
Run, host families! Another spoiled exchange student who's more concerned with the beach than the exchange. So spoiled and desperate that the kid is going outside of the org and trying to get his way by being sneaky.
2 :
I've hosted for 12 years. This is NOT a student I would want to take into my home! To you ... Imagine how your host family must feel. They've opened up their home and you are throwing that away because you want a BEACH???? This isn't strange, this is selfish. Apparently AFS has already (and rightly) turned down your desire to move. I can only hope that your current family does not know about this and that you are not making their life miserable. Many, many, many exchange students come from big cities, places with beaches, places with mountains and end up in small "landlocked" towns in the Midwest. Guess what? While they may be initially upset about it, they make the best of it and have a wonderful year. You need to get over yourself and get on with your exchange year. There is NO perfect family, no perfect school, no perfect town .. it's up to YOU to make the best of what you have. Now, get over this nonsense!
3 :
São Paulo is not in the coast, actually. It's about 80km away from the ocean. Anyway, you should have made this question in the Brazilian yahoo! answers (see flags below).
4 :
hey Sean sup man ? first how many years u have ? how many months u will stay ? i am brazilian from São Paulo sorry for my english =-p lets talk about this in MSN it adds me plz :D . Sao paulo is near the cost +- 2 hours to go to my beach house on baleia we go in saying them.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Looking for anyone who already live in Brazil to assist me on moving there

Looking for anyone who already live in Brazil to assist me on moving there?
Anyone already in brazil or have realitives there who would like to help me move to brazil? I am finished with college, very morally sound and just looking for an new experience outside of the States.
Renting & Real Estate - 2 Answers
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1 :
I am working here for a Norwegian company in Rio de Janeiro. The best way to start looking for a job in Brazil is to contact the american embassy in São Paulo or in Rio de Janeiro and ask for a list of companies who are located in one of these two cities. After that is up to you to contact them and send CVs. If you looking for an apartment for your stay I can help you, check the website I attach. :-) Isak
2 :
Hi! KB, I'm Brazilian and I have created a Youtube channel just for helping foreigners like you who want to know more about Brazil and Brazilians before travel or come to here. You will find hundreds of videos showing the life in Brazil: what Brazil is like, what ethnic gorups Brazilians are, how people dress, how people have fun, etc. Watch the videos and share it with your parents, famliliar and friends. I'm sure that they will love to discover more about Brazil and will help you to decide and make a good choice. Take a look:

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