Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Who wants to pretend we live in Brazil and we're greeting each other over and over again this afternoon

Who wants to pretend we live in Brazil and we're greeting each other over and over again this afternoon?
DaveK: You bet I will!
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Will you call me Daddy?
2 :
Well that's a little over-familiar but OK go on then get those lips puckered.
3 :
Only as long as there is no Brazilian waxing involved. And if you dare call Dave "Daddy", I'll beat you. I'm the daddy round 'ere, alright?
4 :
do u look good and are you clean. i dont want to be saying hello and goodbye with a ronchy person
5 :
6 :
Um...I'll just watch. There are too many people here I suspect have herpes or something worse. Present company, excluded, of course.
7 :
i'm pretending: i'm alive !
8 :
as long as i can slip you the tongue ;)
9 :
in some african tribes the men greet each other by a quick tug to the others member-*tugs Reef*
10 :
You and I live in San Paulo, we are quite wealthy, we love to travel, and live the good life! We greet each other often, as we roll in the same social circles! We dine at the finest restaurants, and go to the Riviera, on holiday! You wear the finest suits, tailored to fit your tanned, muscular body! I wear the finest gowns, and wear only real jewels! Who's pretending???
11 :
As Long As We Get To Kiss A Long Time ;)
12 :
Of course I'd love it Reef! ^_^

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