Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is the image you have of Brazil

What is the image you have of Brazil?
I have a question, what is the image of Brazil, I live in Brazil, in a small town, so I have no contact with slums and the like, these things only see on TV, my town is always clean, organized, not there are slums, I never saw one, people are smart, what people see on TV is not true, not there's all this crime, I've never been robbed, What is the image you have of Brazil?
Words & Wordplay - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Samba, beach, sugar cane ethanol, Lula, Portuguese language, Carnaval
2 :
carnival , beaches with bikini babes wearing thongs........guess i have seen only what the tourist dept want you to see....
3 :
I think of the Amazon River and rain forest, with some indigenous people still living in/near the rain forest. I've heard some stories about deforestation and how the government needs to turn that around. I also heard that some of the bigger cities in Brazil have issues with poverty, but it's not like that's the only impression I have of Brazil. I guess I mostly think of hot climate, forests, and big sea ports. :)