Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Would you live in Brazil

Would you live in Brazil?
I wanted too and do you think it's a good idea.
Other - Brazil - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I love Brazil, yes I'd live there if I were old enough too. Depends if you can find a good job there though.
2 :
I am Brazilian and alive in Brazil. Brazil is an unequal country if you have money you live in the Paradise, but if you is poor lives at the hell. For a foreigner it is very good to live in Brazil, there are opportunities that can be change in great enterprises. Bring good ideas and if you wants financing it goes to BNDS Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social and present the project that is very probable to get financing.
3 :
cisne n.egro answered correctly: "Brazil is an unequal country if you have money you live in the Paradise, but if you is poor lives at the hell."
4 :
Great... i'm in love with Australia and you want to live in Brasil... ok my country is really really... wait... reeeeeeaaaally... beautiful, i'm from Bahia, this state is one of the most beautiful states of Brasil and it has the biggest coast... that's beach, beach, and more beach... so live in Bahia, you won't repent yourself!!!! kisses!
5 :
I am American and I live in Brazil. It idefinately is a good idea to live in Brazil if you have a command of the language. You can build a new 2,000 sq. ft. home for $19,000. You will need a good car because some roads are not paved and stores are spread out; also sidewalks sometimes just aren't there. If you have a webpage that can help generate cashflow and can keep you busy! The internet is not only good for making money... you can also listen to live radio from your city back home. If you need to meet prospectives wives I can help with that. The Brazilians tend to put emphasis on good relations with friends and family. I am sure you will be welcomed! Please contact me with any other questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in beautiful Brazil!
6 :
I live in Brazil since I born :) I am Brazilian. Well you should stay in Brazil for time and see if you really want to. What a person likes maybe you don't like. But I hope you like Brazil.
7 :
i'm brasilian, and i love my country!
8 :
Not. I live here (Brazil) -.- I don't like here, is violent .. I know that have violence everywhere, but here is "THE HELL." But I could change my answer for the positive side, if I had a lot of money and very rich, with a big big big wall in my house to protect me! No money, no peace!
9 :
I would not. I am from Boston and my family is from Brazil. Yes, it is BEAUTIFUL to visit and spend 3-4 weeks there, but this is only true if you have money. I 100% agree with whomever said that if you have money, you live in paradise, but if you're poor, you live in hell. Also, the hospitals there are horrible, my sister and I brought my brother in law to a hospital after having heart failure, and he was dead for a full 19 minutes before they came into the room to see him. Another thing, people are not kind at all on the roads, and they will NOT stop for pedestrians crossing streets. So have a car. Good luck!
10 :
Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes! That country is so beautiful I personally wish to own a expansive architectually modern eco-friendlyhome one day when im an adult (im 18) over looking Rio its my second fav. country (Japan #1 just because I love there culture evn though alot of things I will admit I do find odd myself) dont let people scare you into thinking brazil is this big "dangerous country" hello its safer then iraq,columbia,afghanistan,and the gaza strip right now ok everywhere has bad but a place like brazil the people dont make there problems ruin there day to day lives and are happy and friendly and and strong willed with the way they love and respect there great country its a absolute gem on earth (with some blemishes like anywhere else but here even with the blemishes is still near priceless)

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