Sunday, February 1, 2009

Would you like to live in brazil

Would you like to live in brazil?

Other - Environment - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not to live there, but I would like to travel there.
2 :
no too many ant i semites there for my liking.
3 :
it ll be pretty cool to travel there though.
4 :
I live in Guatemala. Brazil may be next. The advantages that seem obvious to me are the lack of racism and freedom about sex. The economy is growing slowly and it is still affordable.
5 :
6 :
No but i would vacate there.
7 :
Why not? Brazil's economy is one o the fastest growing one. With growing economy it is possible to get a decent job and since it is still a developing world the expenses should be reasonable. They are a tolerant nation towards religion and hence I don't have to worry about religious discrimination. It is a nation which has a better view of male female relationship and also a happy people nation going by the passion they exhibit for football, volley ball and their samba parties.

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