Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where in Brazil do you live or what area would you like to live in and WHY

Where in Brazil do you live or what area would you like to live in and WHY?
Basically.. sell me your idea. B/C I would love to live anywhere between Sao Paulo state and Santa Caterina .. but it kills me that 4 bed room/4 bathroom houses goes for $50,000 US dollars in the North. Peter - Thank you for the info. Do you mind if i ask you a few more things ? Do you have an email address I can contact you?
Other - Brazil - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hello, I live in Rio de Janeiro. I love it! It must to be expensive because you are looking for in tourist areas probably. In Rio it depends what area of Rio you would like to live. Copacabana, Leblon, Ipanema, Leme, Barra da Tijuca... are very expensive.
2 :
Hi, Curitiba is in the middle of the way between São Paulo and Santa Catarina. It´s the Capital of Paraná State and it´s considered one of the most clean and beautiful cities in Brazil. Curitiba is a good city to live it has 1,6 million habitants, it´s safe if you compare to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Florianópolis and it has a lot of parks, green area, good restaurants and nightlife too. And it has many good industries (multinationals) here to work like Kraft Foods, Volvo, Bosch, Renault and others. Depending on the area that you choose to live it´s not very expensive to buy a good house or apartment but you can´t compare the prices in North of the country with cities like Rio, São Paulo and Curitiba that´s much more expensives. I highly recommend people to live in Curitiba, it´s a great city. See more about curitiba in (in english)
3 :
In live in a city with 230,000 inhabitants in countryside São Paulo - Presidente Prudente and I would like to live in Curitiba 'cause my mother is from there and all my family live there So Curitiba is a great city, but is the most cold capital of Brazil and the beach next is 2 hours away. If I dont live in Curitiba, I wanna live in Maringá (countryside of Paraná) or Rio de Janeiro! Some Pix of Curitiba SKYSCRAPERCITY is GREAT, You can find all about the cities, search in Google some city in SSC... amazing site!
4 :
Brasília it's a very nice city, with good infrastructure, lots of young people, and crime there is not so bad like in Rio or Sao Paulo, however it's pricey and you need a car to commute.

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