Thursday, May 14, 2009

what is it like to live in Brazil

what is it like to live in Brazil?

Brazilian Football (Soccer) - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
An amazing country, from the people to the beaches! ... an America living in Paradise!
2 :
Lovely beaches and hotty.
3 :
.. the happiest most well being place to be.... besides the dangers of course.. It is just a place of absolute wonder joy and appreciation of life. Just look at ronaldinho. He seems happy all the time because he grew up in a country where people take great passion for what they do..
4 :
amazing i lived there for a while and the beaches are great and da best thing is that u can visit any country attached to brazil cuz it not far
5 :
ghetto! trust ive been there!
6 :
Dude..!!you seriously wanna know.!! Brazil is such an amazing place.!! like every one is like frenz.>!? HAHAH!! and people love to surf..and ppl play a lot of street Soccer... shirtless guys are so hot.>!!Girls with Bikinis.>!u mght like em! - Its good in Brazil..depends where u go!>.!!bcuz some places are really dangerous and u can get shot.>!and its not cool!>... but u will have a lot of fun there is soo much to do!.. Try it.!! xoxo!>... -Brazil Roxx Ma World
7 :
Brazil is a party, come on join in! We enjoy life in its most deep meaning. Nature, soccer, women and God above all. Feel free to visit us anytime. See U here
8 :
Dude, its nothing like some answers have said. Well, its pretty cool over here. I live in São Paulo so i guess its very diferent from other places here in Brazil. Its the world's 3rd biggest city and it has lots of problems! Polution, total lack of planing, the traffic is awful (really really awful), and a lot of poverty. Still, i have to say i love thisn city, its beautiful and it has everything, including amazing diversity of cultures and people.. I've been to Rio de Janeiro once and i was really amazed, its increadibly beautiful there, a lot of beaches and stuff. Thats it i guess Paz de Cristo
9 :
they say it's awesome
10 :
its absalutely wonderful.....ull love it teh people and beaches the food the music.....everything!!!!!!!!!
11 :
Brazil is beautiful! If you go to the good parts of Brazil it's really nice....and the weather is good too...that's why everyone has like a permanent tan :P & its also a football mad country so :D:D that's great. ♥ People are beautiful, Food is delicious, Party non-stop ~ Brazil rules ♥

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