Wednesday, July 7, 2010

i live in brazil and my wife has taken an interest in jehovas witness

i live in brazil and my wife has taken an interest in jehovas witness.?
is jw in brazil; the same as jw anywhere else?
Religion & Spirituality - 29 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Distance yourself from these mind control cults. The jehovah cult utilizes classic mind control techniques to control its adherents. The cult begins by welcoming the target into the cult. It's all smiles and hugs at first. The cult then forbids the target to associate with anyone that is not also a cult member, including family members. Once the cult has established itself as the target's only support network, the cult threatens expulsion from the group (the jehovah cult calls this disfellowshipping) if you disobey your cult handlers in any way.
2 :
3 :
That is a bad move, Tom. Try to dissuade her from joining those brain-dead apocalyptic morons.
4 :
Do NOT get into a Toxic Cult!! Please!! ("They" teach a false doctrine and a false christ!!) Period!
5 :
its worse in brazil cuz they worship statues
6 :
I would pay a lot of attention to your wife right now... If she gets involved with the JW's- she will be told she isn't going to "go to Paradise" unless she goes door to door a certain number of hours a week... they will tell her to not associate with the old friends or you, either, for that matter, if you are not a JW!!!!! It is a cult, please love her and talk to her and perhaps go to a bible church instead if she is seeking God.
7 :
bad news friend....don't be so happy with your wife's choice.....after she is a jevas witness she wouldnt be fun anymore....she would not give you blowjob for instance or she would just drill your brain with bible its up to you...stop her if you love her
8 :
dont follow jw, follow Christ, which means you should take an intrest in christianity.
9 :
Well, it's her choice, but if I were you I would do all I could to persuade her.
10 :
Yes. You can find more about Jehovah's Witnesses on their official website Below is a link to an article on that answers common questions that people ask about Jehovah's Witnesses
11 :
Show her this
12 :
i am common law to a girl whos father and mother are in this situation. her dad isnt jw and her mom is, here is what i have noticed. alot of HER income goes to the church because i feel jw's are more of a look at me in the most religious religion. and the passion has left their relationship due to the beliefes. take a look at your wife and ask her why she feels her faith can be delivered to the door ( assuming they came by the house) then order a pizza and make it your new religion, preach the word of pizza. quit your good job and deliver pizza tell her it makes you believe and it gives you faith. of course i am kidding but i would just sit her down and really see why she feels this way and why she thinks she needs it to believe. my gf's family went from wealthy to poor very fast after her mom started doing this, she was always on service trying to get other people to join and giving money for bills to the church. i know this is silly but she told my son santa wasnt real and he was upset, let me say i almost gave her some uneeded dental work right there, these people arent happy and dont believe its high school all over again for them
13 :
Pretty much. I would ask your wife to explain why she thinks the JWs are correct in their positions. Most JWs cannot defend their faith and the rest do so with a lot of twisting of Scripture. For example, they deny the Trinity, which is fundamental to the Christian faith and runs counter to what Scripture (the original Scripture as it was penned in ancient Greek, not the New World Translation they use which is purposefully mistranslated). They belive in "soul sleep", which is the belief that the spirit of Man says in stasis until the Resurrection. Again, counter to what Scripture actually teaches. They believe Jesus was the angel Michael, not God incarnate. Jesus Himself claimed to be God when he said "before Abraham was, I AM" John 8:58 I could go on, but you get the picture.
14 :
I know someone from Brazil that is a witness :-) What you will find upon investigating it, is that, unlike the religions of the world, all of our teachings come directly from the bible and no matter where you go in the world, you will find that the teachings are the same. People take pleasure in bashing us because we CHOOSE to live our lives in harmony with the bible instead of living and believing the same thing that they all believe. We're happy to be different and the only opinion that we care about is God's. We are good citizens, good neighbors, good employees, etc. The only complaints that have ever come from a spouse becoming a witness is from those that hate us..... and you have to wonder why....
15 :
You are getting some ridiculous answers about JWs here. Check the website if you want to know more. It is SDA (7th Day Adventists) who believe in "soul sleep" not JWs. We believe what the Bible says about death/soul/spirit. Gen. 3:19, Ecclesiastes 9:1-6, 3:17-20, Ezekiel 18:4, 20, 1 Timothy 6:16, etc. Debbie in Oklahoma PS In Brazil, they generally speak Spanish, etc. Here we are usually English speaking. That is about the only difference.
16 :
Yes we are. We are the same all over the world. Don't believe all the answers to your question. Some say things that are not true about us. IF you want to know more about us then ask us or attend a Sunday meeting and see what goes on. The brothers will be happy to answer your questions for you, in person.
17 :
Same everywhere Tom. You know people are different but study of the Bible and Bible teachings the same.
18 :
I can go anywhere in the world and find my friends for all Jehovah's witnesses have exactly the same beliefs and we are a family.There is no differences at all Between usa and Brazil, spain, guam, all of them and what is more if I am in trouble in another land I would've already located and attended a meeting there and they would help me, Even if they never met me they know I am a JW because you cannot fake it. We have records and we know about each other. We can find out in Just an email or phone call if indeed you are a jw and what hall you attend and if you are in good standing meaning do you attend meetings, not all of us can do door to door but we do try. may you find out what the bible teaches regarding the capable wife for she is described Proverbs 31:1-31 Is this not the way a man would want his wife to be? Do you lead your family, A woman who is married will obey her husband as unto the lord, you will be her lord and she will obey, Is that wrong? The only time she would disobey is if it is against god's law such as lying,stealing etc... Check out the link and see what a wonderful love we have for all.
19 :
Tom, I'm glad she has taken that interest because it will be to your benefit as well as hers. She will be a better wife, and you will love her more for that. I live in the USA and I have been in over a dozen foreign countries and met, talked, and worshipped with Witnesses in all those lands. They are my brothers and sisters. I know what they believe and hold important in their lives and they know those same things about me. Our weekly study literature is printed in almost 200 languages simultaneously - so what we are reading and studying, we are reading and studying in Brazil, South Africa, Japan, and Russia, and the USA. We can travel and enjoy the benefits of united worship. It is truly a one of a kind brotherhood. And by the way - WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN SOUL SLEEP - never have - never will.
20 :
Yes we are the same everywhere in the world. We share the same belief and love for our brothers and sisters in the U.S., Brazil, Russia, Germany, N. and S. Korea....etc. Also our literature is free, our bible studies are free, and we never ever pass a collection plate. "You receive free, you give free"
21 :
JW are the same all over the world. There's no need to sorrow, we don't take your money nor other things. The only thing we do is explaining what the Bible says.
22 :
Yes we are all the same, we preach on a world wide basis(Matt 24:14), we are not like other religions, we only teach truth from the Bible. We will not involve or partake in any holiday that has it's roots in paganism. We are hated by the world because we profess we have the true understanding of the Bible and can back this up using any Bible. Our website is available to all, check out "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" We are not blinded by Satan(2 Co 4:4), we know that Satan is the God of this system of things(1 John 5:19). We are commanded to preach at 2 Tim 4:2;Matt 24:14; 28:19, we are hated because we follow this commandment. We preach about Gods Kingdom and how this Kingdom will bring back our loved ones that have fallen asleep in death(John 5:28,29 & Acts 24:15), Romans 6:7 tells us that death pays for sins so there is no need for the pagan belief of a burning hell. Rev 21:3,4 shows there is going to be a time when there will be no more dying. Our message is what the Bible teaches, not the tradition of men, false religion, and fables(2 Tim 4:3,4). We teach truth, this upsets those that hang on to what is written in this scripture. Ask any Jehovah's Witness a question, they answer it using the Bible.
23 :
Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, in over 235 countries, all read, study and teach the Bible. They do not take your money and those who tell this lie, they are slanderers. No JW teaches their own opinion of what the Bible says, as the Bible is truth and they (we) believe that truth. As you can see by many of these answers, many if not most people HATE Jehovah's Witnesses. That's fine, Jesus said his true followers would be hated. Why not give your wife a chance. See if she becomes a better, kinder person, even a better and more loving wife. It that is true, what can you complain about? Look into it, she is one smart lady.
24 :
Absolutely! Our literature is printed in languages worldwide. Same information, different language....that's how it should be with the truth....The truth is the truth no matter what language you speak.
25 :
Yes, we are worldwide Brothers and Sisters. We all proclaim God's name, teach from the Bible, and await the paradise earth. Jehovah plans on restoring the earth back to the paradise he intended it to be in the beginning. This will happen soon. You will see very positive changes in your wife as she learns about Jehovah and what he requires of his followers. She will become a better wife, mother, daughter and person. We are a very close organization. We truly have love for one another no matter what race, nationality, rich or poor. If I traveled from my hometown in Illinois USA to Brazil, all I would have to do is call the local Kingdom Hall and someone would pick me up at the airport and take me home with them. We have a taste of the paradise earth right now within our own congregations. Sit in on the Bible study with your wife. You will be amazed at how much you learn.
26 :
Actually, Tom, I´d not try to hinder her, rather ENCOURAGE HER! Tom, how´s the percentage of matrimonies divorced in your country? Among Jehovah´s Witnesses, where both partners are witnesses, it´s practically ZERO. Among Jehovah´s Witnesses, where ONLY ONE SPOUSE is a witness, it´s unfortunally not zero. But the only reasons are adultery on the non-witness side, or severe abuse from this side. You can expect your wife to stay the loyal, kind and loving spouse forever, to NEVER EVER cheat on you, not to crave for jewels, not to nag you for expensive clothing. She won´t desert you when you get bald, she won´t desert you when you get a beer-belly, she won´t desert you even when you suffer a severe accident and end up as a dribbling cripple. Look, Jehovah´s Witnesses expect to live in a paradise after Armageddon, and every flaw, every wound, every scar will not be any more, and won´t be recalled. Your wife expects you in paradise to be completely regenerated, juvenile, boasting with health. AND she´ll expect your love for her to have risen right through the ceiling, not only, but not the least caused the least by her loyal endurance at your side when you were not more than a dribbling cripple. See, Tom! Which other religion does encourage such loyalty? Is there any? I do have a Brother in exactly this situation - a former lumberjack who suffers paraplegia after a work accident. His pretty young wife didn´t desert him - but they hope as an united family for the new system, where he´ll be sound and strong and healthier than ever - and they have three very, very pretty kids by now. Hey, don´t fear the mocking and hitting and snaring of your colleagues! BE A MAN! Check out yourself what there is about with your wife´s new religion! Take your own bible with you, and check all their claims with it! Whenever you find a mistake, tell me, will you? Comment to Sis Pittman: In Brazil they don´t speak Spanish, but Portuguese. Mexico and Argentina are speaking Spanish, as most of the other Middle- and South-American states. But your conclusions are right! BTW: There are about 0.7 Million witnesses there in Brazil, compared to 0.67 Million in Mexico and 1.06 in the USA :)
27 :
Sim. Nós somos unidos em nossa opinião terra-larga. Enquanto o Jesus Cristo disse seus seguidores seriam. Eu estou aprendendo o português. Yes. We are united in our beliefs everywhere. True Christians are identified by true unity. Since you see all the strong criticisms and charges against us, really investigate what we're all about. NWT (1 Corinthians 1:10) Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. (John 13:34-35) I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another. 35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”
28 :
Yes we are world wide brotherhood with a site you can enroll to get stuff in your language by your local congregation.
29 :
Yes it is the same everywhere. For example at the meeting at the weekend we have a song, an opening prayer, public talk, song, study the watchtower article for that week then another song & concluding prayer. Every single congregation in the world will be singing the same songs and studying the same watchtower article that weekend. Please ignore the first flurry of answers you had to your question, they simply aren't true. I would encourage you, even if you aren't interested in the faith yourself, to attend a meeting with your wife or sit in on her study every now and then. That should help to put your mind at ease that your wife is not in danger from us.

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